Monday, July 6, 2015

Learning to Take Things Slowly

I have always been one to be more high speed. My mind and body up and racing to go. With time, I've been learning to reduce my speed. Today I was on slow. I took my time repacking my bag (why does mine look so much larger than everyone else's?) I practiced swimming meditation (I think I could do a Qigong Water Class), rested by the pool and then by the water's edge on a large rock, just moving slowly through my day. Even something as simple as spraying my boots with water repellent, I managed to do consciously. It is a relief really to have a speed other than high. I'm checked in now to the Joe Dodge Lodge where I will take my shuttle tomorrow morning at 7:30. I will have a short slow meditative walk to my first hut. Speaking of walking slowly, I just ordered two books from
Thich Nhat Hanh, "How to Walk" and "How to Eat". The walking I hope to use in Costa Rica when we do our meditative photography. I also want to get certified in Shinrin Yoku (This is Japanese for forest bathing), which would be most helpful as well. The "How to Eat", has just always been a struggle for me as I grew up hurrying to get my dinner over so I could get back outside to play. High speed even then. In addition,  I've signed up for the first teacher level of Qigong (art of breathing and moving slowly).  All of these are so  interesting to me. It is all quite exciting.

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