I am starting a "sibling" series between people and trees. I'm looking for people passionate about trees to photograph with "their tree. This is the only tree left on our property after the owners before us cleared this land. It is not the most beautiful tree but with our care it is looking better all the time.
If you are passionate about a tree and would like to be photographed for my series, please leave a comment and your location. I am midwest USA.
Day two of 21 day meditation challenge. As I spend more and more time with a quiet mind, I feel my creativity and inspiration. "I am filled with Spirit" = Inspiration... never made that connection :)
The winds blew in a quick rain followed by the sun which illuminated everything in my front yard and yes, there's my tree :) That's the thing about trees, they are always there in the background standing tall and strong, whenever you need them. Hug a tree!
Oh, and it's be proven (Ted talk which I can't find right now to link! Shoot!) now that trees are not the competitors we made them out to be, they actually cooperate with each other even across species. An older, "mother" tree will take collected carbon and send it through her root system to the surrounding trees. Very Cool!
Cross species connections inspire me :)
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