Monday, December 7, 2015

Attitude of Gratitude

I had a wonderful experience this morning teaching my first class at the Raquet club this morning. I so appreciate the opened mindedness of the participants. It is another gray day here in Illinois, so nice to be able to start my day with a wonderful group of women. I took these photos a couple days ago when we had beautiful frost with the sun to light it up mixed with a light fog. Love the weather! Both of these shots were taken purposefully overexposed (letting in more  light) in order to capture to mood of the moment.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

More Abstracts~ Learning to Let Go

Well, as quickly as I came upon that book about writing, I lost it, or I guess I let it go. This is fascinating since I just couldn't give it my attention, it vanished. I have the desire to be able to write but for me it is so time consuming while taking photos is more timeless, effortless. I recently began a transcendental mediation class which they described to me as effortless and much to my surprise, it really is. It is all about letting go, letting thoughts come if they come, not forcing anything, just letting things be as they are. This type of letting go is exactly what I want in my life.

Here are a few photos taken while letting go.... of judgment (why are you taking a picture of a screen?) of control, (let the subject be just where it is), of thought who wants a photo of that?). I am enjoying abstracts as they are more about feeling and I can not only let myself go while taking it, but I can also let myself go INTO it to see what feelings it evokes from me and hopefully others.