Friday, October 23, 2015

Writing Begins with the Breath

I've picked up an new book, I'm not sure how I came to choose it or why. Often books seem to choose for me. This is a book about writing, about authentic writing. The first writing prompt is : When I am at a crossroads I......

It occurrs to me that people are often not aware of most of the crossroads they face in life.

Saturday, October 17, 2015


The photos captured below seem to have a sense of freedom to them which is interesting since the last post was more "caged in". I suppose it is accurate though. I do seem to be experiencing both a feeling of freedom while also feeling or maybe observing the fences around me. I love what looks like the release of this bird. This one holds lots of meaning for me. Now is a time in my life where I am free to fly if I can allow myself. Often we fence ourselves in one post at a time without ever realizing it until the fence is large.

Reflecting on reflections

Walking through the streets of New Orleans early in the morning I was stuck over and over by the fence posts which seemed to be popping up every where I looked. Thinking about this, as often my photos show my inner state, I am feeling perhaps a bit caged in.

Viewing the Abstract~ Pre class photos

I am just leaving a wonderful week in New Orleans where I spent some time working on creating abstract shots as I am enrolled in an online course through Kim Ort. My mother once asked me, "don't you get tired of taking the same photos in New Orleans all the time?", (we visit there often) What my mother, and I imagine a great deal of other people, fail to realize is that we never take the same photo twice, it is actually impossible, which to me is fascinating. Never will the light, the circumstances, my view be exactly the same. This is one of the reasons I enjoy photography so much, it really is about that one moment of time captured.

These photos were taken before any instruction was given. I was caught by the light and shapes.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Morning Walk

I feel quite lucky to be able to spend a morning or two a week walking the country roads with my dear friend. This morning was the first morning I brought my camera.

Illinois Prairie

The morning before the super moon lunar eclipse, September 27, I drove around our country roads hoping to find a good spot to capture the large moon right at the horizon. These are some photos I took that morning.